Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hati ini menangis lagi.
Kenapa?biarlah hanya ALLAH SWT dan diriku yang tahu apa yang berlaku sebenarnya.

" kenapa tiba-tiba......"

terhenti disitu.tidak tahu ingin teruskan apa yang difikirkan..semakin lama fikir semakin jauh tersesat dalam dunia pemikiran. Jadi, aku ambil keputusan untuk membiarkan sahaja. Sesungguhnya apa yang berlaku mesti ada sebab di sebaliknya, cuma kita yang kerdil ini tidak tahu dan mengerti setiap apa yang berlaku.

Hati ini menangis lagi.
Aku biarkan mutiara-mutiara jernih membasahi pipiku mengiringi setiap patah kata dalam doaku kepadaNYA. Terasa tenang didalam hati sebaik mengucap segalanya kepadaNYA. Sememangnya, DIA lah sang Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mengetahui.

Hati ini menangis lagi,
seperti ingin berada jauh sejauhnya, dan ingin bersendirian, yakni bertemankan hanya kepadaNYA. Namun, hidup realiti perlu diteruskan. Walau sepahit manapun, pasti ada kemanisan disebaliknya

Hati ini menangis lagi,
bersabarlah wahai sang hati, semoga dengan kesabaranmu, kejayaan akan menjadi milikmu jua. Terdetik untuk berkongsi nasihat seorang kawan :

" Apabila kita mohon dan berhajat untuk mendapat bunga yang cantik, ALLAH SWT beri kepada kita kaktus yang berduri tajam, dan apabila kita mohon kepada ALLAH SWT seekor rama-rama yang cantik, ALLAH SWT kabulkan dengan memberi seekor ulat beluncas. Kita berasa sangat sedih dan bersangka buruk kepadaNYA....

Namun, sedarkah kita?..Kelak dari pokok kaktus itu akan muncul bunga
yang sangat cantik; lebih cantik dan mempersonakan.....

dan sedarkah kita juga, dari ulat beluncas, kelak ia akan menjadi seekor rama-rama yang cantik.

Sesungguhnya, yakinlah kepada ALLAH
SWT dalam memohon hajat, kerana ALLAH SWT pasti akan menunaikan hajat hamba-hambanNYA. Kerana DIA lah Ya Rahman, dan DIA lah juga Ya Rahim. "

Kesimpulannya, ALLAH SWT memberi apa yang kita perlu, dan sesungguhnya setiap yang berlaku sudah termaktub dalam pengetahuanNYA. Kenapa musibah berlaku? Kerana ALLAH SWT sayangkan kita, dan ingin menguji sejauh mana kita bersangka baik kepadaNYA. Ingatlah wahai hati, ALLAH SWT tidak kurang sesuatu pun apabila kita mengkufuri nikmatNYA, namun
DIA tetap terus memberi nikmat tanpa henti kerana DIA lah Ya Rahman..Dan apabila ALLAH SWT menguji hambaNYA, ingatlah juga wahai hati, ALLAH SWT ingin memberi yang lebih baik. Hidup ini adalah untuk mencapai keredhaan ALLAH SWT dan memberi manfaat kepada yang lain. Semoga dengan setiap ujian yang kita hadapi, kita tetap bersabar dan terus bersangka baik denganNYA, kerana ALLAH SWT Maha Mengetahui, dan DIA lah
yang mengatur setiap saat hidup ini. Berdoalah kepadaNYA..

Wahai hati, bersabarlah....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ya Rabbi...

Ya Allah...
hanya kepadaMu aku bersujud
memohon pertolongan...

Ya Sami'
dengarlah rintihan hambaMU ini
hanyalah diriMu sebaik-baik pendengar....

Ya Ghafur
sesungguhnya hati ini terlalu lemah tanpaMu
bantulah diriku yang hina ini...

Ya Sobur
tabahkanlah hati ini menghadapi ujianMu
sepertinya aku teralalu rapuh....

Ya Wajid
Kuatkanlah hati ini hanya untukMu

Ya Salam, Ya Bari'
berilah kesihatan yang baik
semoga dapat terus memujiMu

Ya Mujib
Sesungguhnya engkaulah sebenar-benar penolong
Bantulah diri ini...

Ya Awwal, Ya Akhir
Redhailah hidupku
sesungguhnya dariMu aku datang
dan kepadaMu kelak aku kembali.....

20 rejab 1432


Bulan Rejab Bulan Allah....

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Hendaklah kamu memuliakan bulan Rejab,nescaya Allah muliakan kamu dengan seribu kemuliaan di hari kiamat.

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
Bulan Rejab Bulan Allah, Bulan Sya'aban bulanku & bulan Ramadhan bulan umatku.

Kemuliaan Rejab dengan malam ISRAK MIKRAJnya, Sya'aban dengan malam NISFUnya Ramadhan dengan LAILATUL-QADARnya.

Malam awal Rejab mustajab do'anya.(Dalam Kitab Raudhoh Iman Nawawi)

* Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab mendapat syurga tertinggi (Firdaus).

* Puasa dua hari dilipatgandakan pahalanya.

* Puasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan parit yang panjang, yang menghalangkan dia keneraka (panjangnya setahun perjalanan).

* Puasa empat hari pada bulan Rejab diafiatkan daripada bala dan daripada penyakit yang besar-besar dan daripada fitnah Dajal di hari kiamat.

* Puasa lima hari pada bulan Rejab, aman daripada azab kubur.

* Puasa enam hari pada bulan Rejab, keluar kubur bercahaya muka.

* Puasa tujuh hari pada bulan Rejab, ditutup daripada tujuh pintu neraka.

* Puasa lapan hari pada bulan Rejab, dibuka baginya lapan pintu syurga.

* Puasa sembilan hari pada bulan Rejab keluar dari kuburnya lalu, MENGUCAP DUA KALIMAH SHAHADAH tidak ditolak dia masuk syurga.

* Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab Allah jadikan baginya hamparan perhentian di Titi Sirotolmustaqim pada tiap-tiap satu batu di hari kiamat.

* Puasa 16 belas hari pada bulan Rejab akan dapat melihat wajah Allah di dalam syurga dan orang yang pertama menziarahi Allah di dalam syurga.

* Puasa 19 belas hari pada bulan Rejab, dibina baginya sebuah mahligai di hadapan mahligai Nabi Allah Ibrahim a.s dan Nabi Allah Adam a.s.

* Puasa 20 hari pada bulan Rejab, diampunkan segala dosanya yang telah lalu. Maka mulailah beramal barang yang tinggi daripada umurnya (pembaharuan umur).

Berkata Saidina Ali:

* Puasa Rejab 13 hari seperti puasa tiga ribu tahun.
* Puasa Rejab 14 hari seperti puasa sepuluh ribu tahun.
* Puasa Rejab 15 hari seperti puasa seratus ribu tahun.

Kelebihan bulan Rejab dari segala bulan seperti kelebihan Qur'an atas segala Qalam.

Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti puasa empat puluh tahun dan diberi minum air dari Syurga.

Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan dua sayap, terbang seperti kilat di atas Titi Sirotalmustaqim di hari kiamat.

Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumurnya.

Puasa pada awal Rejab, pertengahannya dan akhirnya seperti puasa sebulan pahalanya.

Bulan Rejab Syahrullah (Bulan Allah), diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang meminta ampun dan bertaubat kepada Allah. Puasa Bulan Rejab wajib baginya:

* Diampunkan dosanya yang lalu.
* Dipeliharakan Allah umurnya yang tinggal.
* Terlepas dari dahaga di hari kiamat.

Orang yang lemah dari berpuasa pada bulan Rejab hendaklah bersedekah tiap-tiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebiji roti. Sasiapa bersedekah pada
bulan Rejab seperti sedekah seribu dinar, dituliskan kepadanya tiap sehelai bulu ruma jasadnya seribu kebajikan, diangkat seribu darjat, dihapus seribu

Tiap sehari puasanya pada bulan Rejab dan sedekahnya pada bulan Rejab seperti ibadat seribu Haji dan Umrah. Dibina mahligai seribu bilik dan seribu bidadari, lebih cantik daripada atahari seribu kali.

Bulan Rejab bulan Allah. Bersedekah pada bulan Rejab dijauhkan Allah daripada api neraka kerana kemuliaan bulan Rejab, Bulan Allah. Allah jadikan di belakang bukit Jabal Qar bumi, yang putih yang penuh dengan
Malaikat dengan panji-panji berhimpun pada tiap malam Rejab meminta ampun oleh mereka kepada Umat Muhammad.

Allah menjawap: Telah aku ampunkan mereka! Barangsiapa meminta ampun (bersitighfar) kepada Allah pagi dan petang 70 kali atau 100 kali, pada bulan
Rejab di haramkan tubuhnya daripada api neraka.

Sesiapa berpuasa sebulan pada bulan Rejab, Allah berseru kepadanya:
"Telah wajib hakmu atasKu, maka mintalah olehmu kepadaKu. Demi ketinggian Ku dankebesaranKu, tidak Aku tolakkan hajatmu. Engkau adalah jiranKu dibawah `arasyKu, engkau kekasihKu daripada segala makhlukKu,
engkau terlebih mulia atasKu. Sukakanlah kamu, tiada dinding antaraKu dan antarakau".(dari kitabRaudatul Ifkar)

Puasa pada 27 bulan Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya. Jika disertai dengan sedekah seperti puasa seribu tahun, kerana kebesaran hari ISRAK-MIKRAJ.

Siapa melapangkan kekeruhan, kesusahan, kesempitan orang mukmin pada bulan Rejab dikurniakan Allah kepadanya Mahligai yang besar di dalam syurga Firdaus.

Siapa berpuasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dan beribadat pada malamnya(berjaga), seperti dia berpuasa tiga ribu tahun.

Diampunkan baginya 70 dosa-dosa besar tiap-tiap hari, ditunaikan 70 hajat ketika keluar nyawanya daripada jasadnya, 70 hajatnya di dalam kuburnya, 70 hajat ketika terbang suhuf (ketika Qur'an dinaik ketika berlalu di Titi Sirotalmustaqim.

Rejab ertinya ta'zim (kebesaran, keagungan, kemuliaan). (Rahmat, pemurah, kebajikan). Kerana kebesaran, keagungan dan kemuliaan bulan Rejab itu
maka Allah limpahkan rahmatNya, kemurahanNya dan terhadap hamba-hambaNya yang beriman dan beramal solih pada bulan Rejab, dengan berpuasa pada siangnya dan beribadat pada malamnya.

Demikianlah peri keistimewaannya keagungan bulan Rejab itu yang dinamakan dengan BULAN ALLAH.

REJAB bulan menabur benih.
SYA'ABAN bulan menyiram tanaman.
RAMADHAN bulan menuai.

REJAB menyucikan badannya.
SYA'ABAN menyucikan hatinya.
RAMADHAN menyucikan rohnya.

REJAB bulan taubat.
SYA'ABAN bulan muhibbah.
RAMADHAN dilimpahi pahala amalan.

Saturday, June 18, 2011




All praises be to ALLAH SWT whom the almighthy; the Creator of all..


.....we use our eyes in most of everything; from simple chores to the hardest task. With eye, we're able to see and appreciate things even more. When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we do despite breathing is....OPEN OUR EYES...

Why must we open our eyes every morning? Simple question yet comes with big answer..but why must we open it?

.....because we cannot see anything without open our eyes.It's all dark. No light. Nothing can be done....BLIND view...

Not all people are given this beautiful gift, but they do have is inside their heart.They wake up and make their life meaningful with their EYE...

They maybe blind physically, but they SEE what other people don't see...

So?..How frequent we SEE with this EYE?

Answer is in your EYE...

".....detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mata
kupersembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidupku

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta
detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMU

wahai tuhan jauh sudah
lelah kaki melangkah
aku hilang tanpa arah
rindu hati sinarmu

wahai tuhan aku lemah
hilang terumur noda
hapuskanlah terangilah
jiwa di hitam jalanku

ampunkanlah aku
terimalah taubatku
sesungguhnya engkau
sang maha pengampun dosa

Ya rabbi, izinkanlah
aku kembali padamu
meski mungkin takkan sempurna
aku sebagai hambamu

ampunkanlah aku
terimalah taubatku
sesungguhnya engkau
sang maha pengampun dosa

berilkanlah aku
kesempaatn waktu
aku ingin kembali

dan meski aku tak layak
sujud padamu
dan sungguh tak layak

Friday, June 17, 2011

Be strong!!!!

Feels so glad to make another entry this morning. Well, i didn't sleep throughout the whole night yesterday; made myself so busy making the previous entry.BUT, i still feel it's worthwhile to spend my night in such way. ( of course i'm not manic!!)

Every day is a new day; a new chapter of life. Keep the yesterday's story away, and make a new move today.. THINK POSITIVE!!!( that's what i always tell myself everyday)




" Perjalanan kehidupan
Di kiri kanan dugaan Cabaran
Keseorangan menempuh ujian
Meneruskan perjuangan

Takdir Maha Esa
Restu ayah bonda
Mencapai cita-cita
Usah putus asa
Kelak kau berjaya
Membela nasibmu
Masa mu kan tiba

Keimanan keyakinan
Sinar cahaya penunjuk haluan
Walaupun payah kau harus tabah
Demi mencapai segala impian

Jika satu ketika
Langkah tidak terdaya
Berkat doa usaha
Tuhan Maha Esa

Mencapai cita-cita"

Our past will be our 'experience teacher'. Therefore, sometimes looking back to our past is not that bad after all. From there, try to not repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Yes, my recent - "SERIAL LIFE EVENTS" make me feels up to the point where i cannot stand anymore.It hits me from one to another to another with non stop and i'm barely not able to breath... (sounds like a terrible events happened right?..but it did happened anyway.nobody really knew except ALLAH SWT)

Now? i want to stand strong!!! rebuilding my spirit!!! climbing back the steps even how hard it is..with the hope, i will reach it!!..and i know ALLAH SWT will always be with me...(",)..ALLAH SWT knows the best for me!!!


Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami ! Janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir".

On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."


Monday, June 13, 2011

Another chapter of my life.....

Assalamualaikum w.b.t


Praise be to ALLAH swt for His blessings throughout day and night without stop.

It takes quite so long for me to make this new post.with new spirit.and perhaps A NEW OF ME!! So in this new entry, it will be a little bit longer than usual; trying to express my emotion as the way it is...the story of my life..another chapter of my life....and it started with :

Few months back whereby i was ‘dissapeared’ from the rest; including my friends, even with my family. So many things happened in between making myself feel-


In the meantime, most of them kept asking me since then...

"where have you been?"

" you delete your facebook? why?"

" what happens to you actually?”

“you don’t want to be friend with us anymore??”

“bla bla bla bla”

...and so many other
questions with ‘big mark’ at the end. I chose to keep “silent” as possible, and try to figure out how to answer. But, my mouth seemed shutted up with no clues as my mind kept thinking of what to say.......(SPEECHLESS is the word)

One wise man says:
“Experience is the best teacher”

Yes indeed! Experience makes us more mature, more thoughtful, and so on. To get that experience, we need to face so-called ‘PROBLEMS’...the more problemSSSS you have, the more experienceSSSS you’ll get at the end. PROBLEMS and life can never ever be separated. Nobody whom being so successful never experience a hard time with problems (rationalization is it?, but it is the TRUTH!)...
it will be a big problem if you success without any problem...kinda akward i suppose since every success has its own price..the bigger PROBLEMS you have, then the BIGGER SUCCESS it will be..

Another wise man says :

“Berakit-rakit ke hulu,
Berenang-renang ke tepian,
Bersusah-susah dahulu,
Bersenang-senang kemudian”

Born in Malay culture and Islam as my belief made me felt so grateful (no offense to others). My parents had taught me very well especially in what i would becoming. Living in modesty without any lacking or extras in life trully had leaded myself to be hardworking in everything i did. No matter what it was, if you wanted something, you had to go for it...catch it..grab it...and work for it... Usually, i would try very hard to gain the rewards; as in my UPSR, PMR as wellas with SPM..and it was totally worthies indeed. You felt the sweetest of your own hardwork!!!...there
i got formula of hardworking= success....

Despite being so hardworking, my parents also prepared myself with religious basis; ALHAMDULILAH (praise be to ALLAH SWT)..that would the exact word i should express everyday..every seconds in my life..My abah sent me to ABIM; an extra class for religious study whereby i learnt the meaning of childhood was so colourful, and i enjoyed it in every seconds. ALHAMDULILAH...thanks to my parents and may ALLAH SWT grant you the best rewards as it is later in Akhirat (after life).I love both of you with all my heart..and with that, i got another formula of success


Life is full with “stories”; in which there will be the time for you to be at the peak of something, and vice versa..Recalling back to my life ‘story’, my previous days had been hard..there were lots of unexpected things that totally i couldn’t control,
and now i realised that it was what i had been taught before....


Realising those days, i was still immature and innocence about life; and during that time all i know was i needed to memorize it as part of the study. As the time went by, growing older and older, these basic things of Islam STILL FIXED in my heart and for sure there would be time for me to really understand the meaning
of it. Again. ALHAMDULILAH..Then it came with maturity. People said once you matured, you would become the true ‘man’..the principle behind it was : MIND..When you reach your own maturity state, you would use your mind in everythings that you going to do, regardless of whatever it was. You would tend to think so deeply and questioning in each steps why these things happened..

Just to share a little piece of my life in previous days, before these recent life events, i did go through a phase of miserable and i was immature to really know the
true reason behind it on that time. Watching my best friends went to boarded school while me myself still stuck in an ordinary school after UPSR even though i was eligible enough like them, had thrown me to a phase of sorrowfulness that i only could describe it. It was totally hard time for me, resulting in with BAD exam results during my form 1 and form 2..felt like a loser and there's no use to study anymore.

ALLAH SWT knows the best!!... I prayed very hard so that that i would be able to enter a boarded school as well one day...Alhamdulilah, ALLAH SWT granted my prayer; as i built back my spirit during my form 3, and there you go..i was chosen to enter a boarded school for my form 4 and form 5...since then, i prayed again and again for the next success and with His blessings, i entered medical school and try to learn to be a doctor; as what i aimed since i was in primary school..and i am.

Back to main story, experience also make someone become more ma
ture! Honestly, the time of my “ disappearance” was actually the time for me to be a really MATURE person and getting to know myself more than before. Those isolation period basically had leaded me to think really deeply........

.....and by the time i felt so ‘nothing’ and i didn’t know where to go..suddenly...

you’ll find the way”.........

A song sang by Mah
er zain strucked into my mind repeatedly!!! Again and again..and i downloaded the song!!!...I cried badly like a child losing his mom non stop..cried cried cried and lying alone on my bed...once the song downloaded i kept playing it repeatedly until i didn’t know how many times....until i fall asleep...with the song PLAYED over and over again...again and again.....

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2
Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way


....and i woke up..and the song still played..i felt so calmed and....there's no exact words to describe it actually....serenity.....peace....and so forth...
What made me cried badly again was when i looked back into the was meant for me!!!

..and with ALLAH blessing, those were the time for me to realize so many things................................................
The purpose of life.why all those PROBLEMS
suddenly haunted myself endlessly without mercy..and also the time for me to renewing myself..learning on what it is all what it is? I believe this is the “hidayah”
( the true way) that ALLAH SWT the most merciful has given to me..ALHAMDULILAH..ALHAMDULILAH..ALHAMDULILAH..

Admitting myself as a human being whom never skip to make mistakes..i did a lot of mistakes..yes i did..a lot...and like one of my friend says :

“ this might be your turning point”

Yes!.I want to change.Become a better person.Turning point is the word!!!
From the bottom of nowhere, i try very very very hard (even now) to climb back to the peak..the true peak of this LIFE truly meant for..May ALLAH keep myself at this path till the end..end before to go back to the Creator- ALLAH SWT...


Alhamdulilah...this my childhood memories has come to the real answer...believing that ALLAH SWT is the one and only whom destined the path of every each of His creation....Believe is not just from the word spoken that come from our mouth, but it comes from our heart..

And life feel more blessed and perhaps more targeted!!..Perhaps, this is another chapter of my life that has been written for me since before it is in order to make me a better doctor and successful human as it is...
to be success not only in this mortal world, but also in the after life.Amin....................

Ahmad Fairol, 3.15 am..(“,)